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Oct 14, 2010

Halls Gap Zoo

Our second day in Grampians doesn't just end up in Chatauqua Peak. We had the rest of the afternoon to burn so we decided to visit the town zoo (this was for my sake). It was about 2.5 to 3km away from Tim's Place and we only had 2 options of transport - Bus No.11 (legs) or Bicycle. It's an obvious decision. We were told it was only about 10 minutes cycle and 30 mins walk but HELL NO! It was 30mins cycle and who knows how long to walk!

But I thought it was quite relaxing to cycle, for Mr.Navigator on the other hand, he struggled a bit. Just a bit. HAHA!

The Halls Gap zoo is entirely sponsored. Noticed that Tim's Place sponsored a couple of enclosures. Compared to Melbourne Zoo, I totally enjoyed Halls Gap's much more somehow. Melbourne's Zoo was just depressing.

1st animal we visited was the Meerkats aka Timon from Lion King. The 1st little one in the picture was totally adorable! It was such a lazy little fat feller just slouching there. CUTE!
Peacocks were allowed to roam freely in the zoo.

OH,I finally got to see Tasmanian Devils with my own eyes! Only seen them on TV. 
Never seen them in real life. All the wildlife parks I've been too only had empty enclosure labelled with Tasmanian Devils

Super huge Bisons and a Biformer (Bison transform to Human)


Spotted Tail Quoll  and the old wise billy goat.

OH! I got the chance to interact and take pictures with Dingoes. HOW COOL IS THAT?! 
Dingoes are known as wild dogs and can be pretty dangerous. Click on the picture to enlarge.
SO COOL! SO FUN!!! hehehe

Now all I need is to cuddle a Koala!

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