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Oct 5, 2009

5 Parks, 4 Friends + a Vivian

It's been ages since I last stepped foot into Sunway Lagoon.
And as Vivian's birthday part 2,
Niniek, Carmen, Kenzie and I went for her Lagoon birthday.

But before this lagoon-day,
We 1st celebrated on her actual birthday with a few other friends over dinner at Fridays.
Had this pasta (Pastalicious)

as usual, we just had to have the staffs singing to the birthday person.
Not to mention the free cake!!!
And of coz, we had to embarrassed the birthday girl.
But, if the birthday person always gets embarrassed, it'll be boring wouldn't it?
So, we decided to memalukan her boyfriend - Kenzie Kee. HAHA!!!
Lap dance, shall we??
Ok, so lets get back to Sunway Lagoon, shall we?

At the beginning, it was only Carmen, Vivian and I.
So, GRAND CANYON it is!!!

Is the water scary there Vivian?
1st round of Grand Canyon - quater wet.
2nd round - half wet.
Went to the Buffalo Roller Coaster to dry off while waiting for Niniek and Kenzie.

Here's Carmen, describing some scary steep roller coaster.
While riding, we found Niniek's Original home.
After walking around for quite awhile, Niniek was here!!! Yay!!!

And Grand Canyon again it is!!!
the girls, still scared of the water...
The girls.
While we thought Vivian was gonna get Kenzie in,
the 3 of us went to get eaten by the man-eating snake!!!

The before shot.
The while shot.
and the after shot. All wet!!!
Then, it was the Vulture!!!
Happy Vivian trying to fly her vulture high...
But failed =.=' (all of us failed)
At first, Niniek was so keen on going into the Scream Park,
but when Vivian said that her friend came out crying,
yeap, Niniek chickened out.

I was pretty nervous too, but was also very very curious on how scary it was.
Luckily, Carmen was there to accompany me

A shot before entering.
when we were in there, it was pretty scary at the starting.
coz it was just the 2 of us and the tour guide.
then we were joined by some other girls and an indian guy.
Carmen hold on to that guy while I hold on to the tour guide (for awhile!!)
she has that indian guy and I to protect both sides of her!!! hmph!!!
but after awhile, I wasn't that scared anymore,
I started talking to the ghosts inside instead. hehe

Next park, the petting zoo.

Look at this devil-like bunny!!!
Uber cute, isn't it???
and there was this uber lazy lizard
haha. look at how this hedgehog is sleeping..
so cute!!! >.<
There were also quite a few of these uber huge, giant sugar gliders!!!
(wonder if Daryl's sugar gliders are as big?)
Oh, this reminds me of Kenzie!!!
actually any lizards reminds Kenzie.
(flashes back to the time in Perhentian when he screamed coz he saw a gecko's head and thought it was a snake. hehe >.<)
This cute, adorable pony.
Niniek couldn't stop pitying it.
Carmen's super bunny (superman pose)
And I just had to take a picture with the Devil-Bunny!!!
and Hurley from G-force!!!
After camwhoring at the petting zoo,
We headed off to the wet park.

Slacked at the beach area under the mushroom-like thingy.

Saw this man posing there. (actually he was just laying there, watching over his kids. )
Put a girl/girls somewhere with a camera,
and what do they do???

I love this shot of Vivian.
Carmen's so called yoga pose...
a retarded way to take pictures (me)
Finally, Kenzie Kee's here!!!
So we headed off to play the water rides as Vivian cannot play coz of her ear.
So she ended up helping us take photos and record our rides.

haha, just for the sake of getting wet.
At this 'Superman Ride'
We had a bet that whoever's last, will have to treat the rest.
(From left : Kenzie, Me, Niniek, Carmen.)
And because we got cheap price for all 5 parks,
and the rides at the Exstream park was free,
so what the hack, make full use of it!!!

Kenzie and I went for the flying fox.



And so we ended our day with BBQ Plaza!!!
MmM~~~ yummy~~~

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