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Feb 15, 2009

LOVE Is In The Air...


Here's a lil history of how Valentine's Day came about... (I'm sure most of you know...)

Paper greetings with riddles or poems on them have been used in celebration of Valentine's Day for hundreds of years. Legend has it that the original Saint Valentine was imprisoned for trying to convert people to Christianity from ancient Roman beliefs. While in prison, Valentine fell in love with the blind daughter of the jailer. Accounts vary about the original story, but some say his crime was marrying (he was a priest) soldiers when the emperor forbade them to marry. Either way, when St. Valentine was going off to be executed, he sent a note to the girl and signed it "From your Valentine". This was the first official "valentine" message. Roman men continued the practice by passing notes of love to their sweethearts on February 14th each year. In 1419, Charles - duke of Orleans, sent a valentine card to his wife from the Tower of London where he was imprisoned. This is reported to be the first true valentine card.

Notice that the first officials of valentine's all died. So, you'd had to do something for your valentine and then die, to make it No.1 in the history of Valentine's Day. (Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm blabbering...)

Today's a day filled with LOVE, A day filled with the colour RED... Fill your loved ones with your LOVE... Feel the LOVE...

A day of couples, fancy restaurants, flowers, gifts, movies... All the restaurants are going to be real packed, cinemas are all packed. I wished I'd thought of booking tickets. Even cinemas where tickets cost RM20 each, are all fully booked... Girls holding bouquets of red roses, teddy bears on one hand and boyfriends on the other.

Mine, was short (because I had to work =.=') but lovely...

So how are you guys spending your Valentine's???

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