Day 2 of my father-daughter trip to Malacca.
We'll start of with a day time view of my hotel room.

With that view above, zoom in 20x...
and this is what you get...

Love this mirror in the elevator!!!

Went to visit the Hang Li Poh temple...
another history & tourism spot...

Then with my neighbor's new GPS navigator,
we went looking for some Teow Chew Porridge..
With trouble finding some parking, we double parked instead...
only to find that the shop we were looking for was right in front of our eyes!!! =.='

This shop was established since 1963... or was it 1936??? :S
anyway, check out the delicious delights!!!

With only 4 people, these are part of the food we've ordered...

at the back kitchen, i saw this grandma getting water from a well.

Back in those days, every household has a water well, don't ask me why but I find this water well very amusing... hehe...
Reminds me of my old Shah Alam house...
And before heading home, we stopped by this little place that sells Chendol!!!
and also some Popiah...

Some random snap shots of that place while enjoying some cold Chendol to cool ourselves from the uber hot-burning sun!!!

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