Dec 29, 2008
All I Did For Christmas Is...
Posted by Soyanbutterfly at 12:33:00 AMDec 25, 2008
This The Season To Be Jolly...
Posted by Soyanbutterfly at 12:02:00 PMDec 23, 2008
Trying To Get Into The Red & Green Spirit...
Posted by Soyanbutterfly at 12:11:00 PMAnd after getting my Dad and Sis's present, we headed home as Andrew had dinner to attend to... Oh, and it was also a day of Sleeping in Different Places for Andrew...
Dec 11, 2008
Wasted Rubbersuit...
Posted by Soyanbutterfly at 1:07:00 AMDec 10, 2008
Made It The Tru 1st Burning...
Posted by Soyanbutterfly at 12:54:00 AMPhew... i finally made it tru my very 1st day of SWE...
This morning, was my 1st time taking public transport all alone... it was quite scary, i was like non-stop checking whether i took the right side of the train or not... And when i arrived at the Hotel, my heart was like beating soooo freaking fast, it was like about to jump out of my chest... i was sooo scared and nervous... but when it started, i started to feel better...
Thank GOD i wasn't alone during the briefing... there were another 2 malay guy trainees(Shafiq & Amirul) with me...(sadly, they are going to the kitchen department...) and also, there like another 2 new managers(Fiona & Stephanie) too... My speaker-Ms.Apple was a really friendly, cheerful person... She reminded me soooo much of my aunty (Mandy, if you're reading this, i think you know who i'm talking about right?) the way she talk, the way she act... She wasn't those serious speakers... she was like jumping all around the place... singing loudly to herself... felt no preasure at all...
There were like 3 sitting areas in the room, the manager was there so i can't take pics of it... The room is 338sqM... in Meters!!! sooooo huge that you can actually play hide and seek in it... or even get lost in it yourself!!!
I went to the spa too... and it's super nice too of coz... haha... so tempted to do a spa there but really ex... you'll feel superly peacefull in the spa area...
Tomorrow my work officially starts (so they say...) hopefully they won't give me a hard time...
Till then, hopefully tomorrow goes well...
Dec 8, 2008
And The Fire Begins~~~
Posted by Soyanbutterfly at 11:06:00 PMSorry people for not been updating for awhile... been busy entertaining my relatives this weekend...
went to Mid Valley on Saturday... walked the whole day, watched a movie... and ended up going home empty handed!!!
and yesterday, went to 1 Utama to shop... and yet again... walked all day... ended up going empty handed!!! do you know that it is soooo frustrating when you walk the whole shopping mall and end up going home with NOTHING!!! for me, IT IS!!! I'll feel hopeless and frustrated if I was not on a window shopping trip and end up window shopping...
Anyway... today's my last day of freedom... i know i know... i just got my freedom and now i have to give it away to Imperial Sheraton Hotel... Tomorrow's the day Hell starts burning for me... and I haven't got my rubber suit... nor a ready heart to jump into it's flames...
No words can describe the way i'm feeling right now... although everyone's telling me that i'll do fine and all... but they will never know how i'm feeling... even i don't know what i'm feeling right now... my feelings all tangled up inside of me that i can just burst into insane-ness any minute...
Hopefully i'll be able to do fine... hopefully i'll be able to survive... hopefully it won't be a nightmare... hopefully i won't be a zombie... hopefully they are friendly... hopefully it's gonna be fun...
There's a lot of HOPEFULLY... so yeah... juat hopefully!!!
before i end this boring, lame post... let me end it with a picture that i've been wanting to take recently...
Too bad the cinema area was dark... so the picture is dark... but i don't care... i have a picture with Rhino!!!
The End... the next time you see me, it'll be in HELL!!! =(
Dec 5, 2008
The taste of FREEDOM!!!~~~
Posted by Soyanbutterfly at 2:15:00 AMYay!!! Yay!!! Yay!!! The taste of freedom is definitely SWEET babe!!!~~~ Totally!!!
Just finished my finals today... finally can breathe fresh air... burning off my burdens... feel a whole lot lighter now... and of coz... with the grand finale...
That's the way to end your finals properly... it's the just the way it should be... But too bad... this sweetness will eventually turn bitter next tuesday... because that's the time (as i've been saying...) that's the time when hell starts burning for me like the way hell is burning my books and notes right now... but to look on the brighter side (since hell is gonna be sooo bright with the fire burning...) it's going to be another new start for me... another chapter in life (as someone likes to put it...) going to be actually working in a Hotel... as a training for me... so i don't actually have a break after my finals... (sucks big time, i know...) this training is going to be semester 6!!! so fast, and another semester starts =.='... hopefully i get to spend the special occasions for the next 5 months happily... if it's a really sad case, i won't be able to spend any of the special holiday celebrations like christmas and new year >.< Feelings now...
Relief because finals are over...
Nerve wrecking because my training's going to start... like NEXT TUESDAY!!! (fast right =.=')
Excited too for my training...
but for now, i just want to spend my few days of 'break' (but it doesn't feel like 1, since it's just going to be like for 4 days...) wisely!!!
Going Euphoria!!! Then tomorrow, Redbox and BOLT!!! Saturday, midvalley - shopping, movie marathon with cousin, wedding dinner... Sunday - hopefully Pavillion for PEPPER LUNCH!!! more shopping... Monday - don't know but hopefully it's full of activities...
TUESDAY - Put on my rubber suit and make sure it'll last for 5 months!!!
Dec 2, 2008
Spoof Spoof Spoof~~~
Posted by Soyanbutterfly at 12:56:00 AMSo i had my accounts paper this afternoon... and seriously... i only took like 10 minutes to study this subject... yeah, so you can actually tell how much i absorbed... and you want to know something cool... what i read (which was a pass year paper's MCQs and my mid term paper)... came out in my finals... yeah, thank god my lecturer was lazy or it's just his thing or way of setting exam questions, he repeated quite a lot of the MCQs from those 2 papers i read... so i was practically vomiting out all the answers i memorized... and for Part B which is the problem solving part... 2 of the questions were the exact questions that he gave in the mid term... so yeah... full marks there (hopefully... hopefully i don't do any silly mistakes like writing the wrong digit or whatever...) But anyhow... i might be able to score higher than what i actually planned too... considering i was practically day dreaming or sleeping through the entire semester for accounts... (i just despise accounts... like really...)
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